June 25, 2013

Swinging in Solitude

Late last week, I made a tee time at a local course.  7:27am, solo.  No one else.  For whatever reason, playing golf by myself has always provided me great pleasure.  Taking some time to walk, think and swing without any outside influence is something under appreciated in the world of golf.  Maybe I'm a loner.  Maybe I'm an old soul.  I remember my mother often saying in my childhood, "every now and then a little alone time is good for the mind, body and soul."  Smart lady.

It was an overcast morning at a course I didn't terribly enjoy.  The course is literally suffocating from trees.  As Colt once said, "trees are a fluky and obnoxious hazard," and I couldn't agree more. But I digress.  The first tee time was booked and it was a warm summer day.  I am a golfer who generally likes to play at a good pace, so that could be a large part why I like playing solo.  Coffee in hand, the first tee ball was struck at 7:27 am.  I made the turn around 8:35 or so and one of the backshop guys asked me if I was trying to set a record.  I finished up around 9:45, and soon after bumped into the starter who asked how I enjoyed the front nine.  He didn't believe me when I told him I just finished 18.  I hopped in my car, and jumped on a conference call at 10:00 am.  That conference call was a bit of a buzzkill but what a perfect way to start the day.

It had been some time since I played by myself.  In the working world, with lots of friends to play with at my home club, I always have weekend games arranged.  On this morning I realized that I miss this element of golf in my life.  During my time in St Andrews, I would occasionally walk down to the Old, New, or Jubilee early in the morning or late in the evening to play a few solo.  There is little argument that squeezing in a  few holes at dawn or dusk is a special treat in the town of St Andrews, but golf is golf.  The chance to spend some time alone with your thoughts - or swing thoughts - free from work, home, or society in general should be relished.  Playing solo is much more of a true "break" from the world, versus playing with others.

Many people with whom I have discussed this topic seem to think there is something wrong with me, but every now and then, someone wholeheartedly agrees.  When it does happen, it is like meeting a kindred spirit.  Don't get me wrong, I would go a little stir crazy playing solo all the time, but every now and then, it provides such a great experience.  Give it a go sometime soon.  Take enjoyment in the solitude.  And always listen to your mother.

Hit 'em well.
- MG